Nos vidéos institutionnelles et de produit
Tôles nervurées, couverture, plancher secs, planchers collaborants et Façade
Bobines, bandes métalliques et feuilles métalliques
Tôles nervurées, bobine, couvertures métalliques
SANDfuture, la couverture du futur
Translating power and elegance into matter, the architecture of this golden haven, Diamonds House, features Diamonds, the first exclusive design to unveil the new SANDcustom service, dedicated to the production of fully customizable architectural metal profiles
A mansion overlooking the cobalt abyss, a gem emerging from the majestic embrace of nature. Water and stone are the key elements at the base of Roots House project: it's a place where noise fades, nature erupts, and time hangs in favor of contemplation